Material handling
We have implemented more than 20 conveyor systems, helping our customers fulfill their orders with precision and on-time delivery. Whether you are conveying rock, ore concentrate, or pallets, we can recommend suitable equipment, technology, and material flow layout. Our engineering organization designs conveyor systems using 3D modeling tools, enabling you to visualize and simulate how your final system will operate.
Long distance belt conveyors have always been a challenge for the designers. There are several methods of applying the conveying systems. Different conveying systems have to be provided to suit the topographical conditions, the material to be transported, the environmental requirements and the operating methods.
As belt conveyors get longer and conveyor systems get more complex, it is important for conveyor engineers to understand and utilize advanced design principals required to insure a robust, reliable and cost effective material handling system. Most of these advanced considerations are not covered by traditional conveyor design methods such as CEMA (Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association). These include (1) the principal of analyzing conveyors as flexible systems rather than rigid bodies (Dynamic Analysis), (2) non-traditional route configurations including horizontal curves and vertical lifts, (3) mass flow simulations (using Discrete Element Methods) of loading and unloading.
several techniques have been developed for long overland conveyors up to 50 km. such as Dynamic Analysis , Horizontal Curves , Discrete Element Modeling of Mass Flow. All this techniques used in Curved conveyor , Down hill conveyor , Ascendant conveyor, Two ways chute conveyor and … .